Christopher Bergland The Athlete’s Way Posted Oct 01, 2013 @ Why Is Dancing So Good for Your Brain? Dancers maximize cognitive function and muscle memory through practice. Dancing improves brain function on a variety of levels. Two recent studies show how different types of practice allow dancers to achieve peak performance by blending cerebral and cognitive thought...
3605 Randolph Rd,Silver Spring, MD 20902-USA - Contact: 301-300-7169 / 301-437-2722
How To Choose A Dance Studio
What To Look For In A Dance StudioAugust 7, 2017|In Training Tips, Dance Training|By Jessie Ma via @thatsteezy_ The dance studio is a dancer’s second home. Growing as a dancer is about how you train – and where you train has a lot to do with that! A great dance studio will provide the instruction and...
Dance Your Way to Good Health Dancing can be a most enjoyable form of exercise. But, what most people don’t know is that it also has a large number of health benefits. Dancing is a great full out mind and body workout. It can make your body and soul feel good in a way that no other exercise can. The...