What are we going to do?
A workshop of Biodance to Celebrate Life!
Why do we choose this theme?
Because from the first workshop of Biodance, the participants managed to recognize the healing effect of joy.
What is Biodance?
It is a system of affective integration through which we awaken and strengthen trust in life, in ourselves and in others, increasing the joy of living.
Who created this system?
Rolando Toro Araneda Chilean psychologist and anthropologist, created this system in the 60s.
Why is it recommended?
Because it allows us to find the greatest coherence between what we think, feel, do and say to live healthier, fuller and happier.
What people can practice it?
Any persons without distinction of race, age, religious or political creed.
Do you need to know how to dance?
It is not necessary to know how to dance; because dance is a difference of dance, it simply connects us with our human and organic movement, full of meaning to enjoy it freely.
What is the dynamics?
People are willing to relearn affectivity and connecting with life through music, movement, dance and group encounters.
What are the benefits?
It offers multiple benefits on a physical, emotional, relational and existential level. Develop self-esteem, creativity and confidence. It allows people to connect the enjoyment and enjoy life in their daily lives and be able to in different areas from respect and care. Some benefits: • Increase in well-being and health• Decreased stress• Greater vitality• Expression of our emotions• Connection with enjoyment• New ways to bond with others• Consciousness of being part of what surrounds us• Awaken creativity
How often can you practice?
It is advisable to practice it every week, so that the effects are more decisive. Luz Marina is currently doing Biodance workshops in: • Cultural Dance Center• Every Tuesday• From 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.• 3605 Randolph Rd, Silver Spring, MD 20902.• Cell: (571) 364-5625